Wednesday, October 9, 2013

hello :)

Hi everyone! I'm happy you've found your way to my blog, I hope you'll enjoy reading what I have to say, and I hope I don't bore the pants off of you. I've started this blog to talk about all things girly, mainly beauty stuff and just random things that girls may encounter. 

Just some background about me, I'm Edith, a 20 year old, originally from Hong Kong, but now I'm abroad in England, in the 3rd year of my law degree. Some people might think that it's weird when I tell them I'm not sure that I want to be a lawyer even though I'm doing LLB Law in university. It's just that I've been through some things in my life and it's made me realize that this path might not be something I really want to do. I chose law to be my university major only because I've wanted to study it ever since I was 7. I loved watching those HK Dramas with lawyers and I wanted to know everything they knew. Law is something I'm interested in, but it's also something I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life doing. 
There are some Hongkongers in my course at my university and they're so different. They're very ambitious, very competitive, sometimes to the point that they'll find ways to put you down just so they can get to the top. They're mainly from the local Hong Kong schools, and I guess they grew up that way, always having to compete in the class to get to the top. However, I went to an international school in Hong Kong, it wasn't chill as many people think it is, but we were taught to be a well rounded person and not to be so focused only on academics. 
Anyway, that's just a bit of background info about me. Upcoming posts won't be as serious as this one, I promise. I just wanted to put that out there since it's what I've been having to think about recently. 

hope you all enjoyed reading that, and I hope that some of you are able to relate :) i promise my next post will be something more interesting than this. have a great day everyone, wherever you are :)

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